Seriously! Before you say "That didn't happen", it really did. To understand this situation best, you need to know a few things. For the last year my husband has been running. He wanted to get healthier and lose weight. The farther and faster he was able to run, the more weight he lost.
This is where I come in. "Apparently" I've gained a few pounds, maybe a little more. Sure, the clothes are tighter, my rings won't come off and everything just doesn't fit as well. One day, after this person saw how much weight my husband had lost, came over to me,
poked my stomach and said "Have you gained all the weight your husband has lost?!"
At that moment I had no answer. As painful as that was to hear, it was mostly true. I had gained weight. Not as much as my husband had lost, but I had gained weight. How embarassing it was to be reminded of my weight gain.
Every day after I looked into the mirror I tried to forget what I saw. It wasn't to hard. I simply acted, talked and ate as if what I had seen in the mirror didn't exist. It worked great. It worked until someone poked me in the stomach! The Bible in James 1:23-25 says "Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it — he will be blessed in what he does. NIV"
Jesus said we are to "Love God and Love each other". The only way that happens is if when we look into the mirror of God's Word-we do it. Doing something often and on purpose keeps us remembering what God has spoken to us. I have to not only hear God's Word to love, but I need to put consistant action behind what I am hearing and seeing in the mirror. The promises of God are for everyone. But they only work when we do what the mirror is revealing. I want to live my life on purpose. God's Word is freedom and truth. But freedom and truth don't just happen. Losing weight doesn't just happen.
I want to live my life honestly. I don't want to lie to myself. When I look in the mirror, I want to remember what I saw by taking action. I want to be a seeing, hearing doer!
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