Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. The children were running around, waving their palms, chasing each other and enjoying the freedom. Maybe a similar scene happened 2000 years ago, except then there were donkeys and lots of dust. But that’s what Easter season is all about-FREEDOM. Jesus was preparing the way. The triumphal entry quickly led to the cross and resurrection.
It is said that when Moses in Deuteronomy 34 looked over into the promise land and saw the palm trees of Jericho, that God showed him the entrance into Paradise. The palm trees of the Garden of Eden lined the sides of the entrance and Moses saw the righteous walking in. Adam and Eve after they sinned in the garden, God sent them out and barred them from returning in. Until Jesus, sin has kept all out.
Still today sin can block the door and keep us from entering into a relationship with Jesus. We must lay our sin aside and enter in through the palms by the door. Jesus became the door so that we may enter by His blood and body. This Easter I encourage everyone to lay aside burdens and pick up the palm branches. Wave the palms in thankfulness that by Jesus’ blood and body we are the Righteous walking in.
Great word.