Monday, October 10, 2011

God...Get a big sniff.

I love how fall has its own distinctive smell.  When I step outside it seems to surround me.  After a long day playing outside, my grandson smelled like sunshine and fall leaves. It clung to his clothes and hair.  As I hugged him, I kept breathing in the smell of changing leaves. 
    In the same way, we have a certain distinctive smell to God.  In 2 Corinthians 2:15 it says “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”
Today, ask yourself “How do I smell?”  What is God smelling?  Let the aroma of Jesus cling to you and let others get a big SNIFF!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

May your unfailing love be my comfort

    This week a friend died.  There is no way to soften the blow or the pain.  My heart cries out for his five children and his wife.  For him, however I rejoice.  I know he has entered into joy and life eternal.
    How fragile this life can be.  So live it full out.  Love, laugh, enjoy all this life has to offer.  Be a friend, say a kind word, cry with someone and offer a shoulder. 
    Today remember this family.  Pray for them. Help.
    “God let your comfort surround each one” and Psalms 119:76 says “May your unfailing love be my comfort”