Saturday, May 7, 2011

My name is Mom

Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, MOM< MOM< MOM< MOOOOOOOOOM I have longed for ear plugs on some days.  My ears and brain could get so tired.  Probably no name has been more repeated in every language since the creation of the world.  Yet, no name has been more longed for and loved.   For each of my girls I spent long hours smiling into their beautiful faces and repeated over and over Mama, Mama, Mama.  Recently when my grandson pointed at me and shouted NANA with a big smile on his face, my heart overflowed.  But I know there is a name that has no comparison-JESUS.  How beautiful is His Name!
    In the Bible there are two women, a mom and grandma, who talked and lived a life of sincere faith.  Timothy's faith was a reflection of the faith shown in Lois and Eunice.  They prepared him for the very difficult job of being a first century Pastor. In  2 Tim 1:5-6 it says " I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also".  Their words and actions convinced Paul of their sincere faith.
    My heart’s desire is that I am and will be a woman of sincere faith.  Every day when I hear “Mom” and “Nana” I pray that my faith speaks loudly, unashamed, powerfully, and full of God’s love. Sorry, I have to go- I hear my named being called-MOM!

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