Saturday, August 20, 2011

Let there be Light!

     Today as I watch the day turn gray and rain roll in with loud claps of thunder and lightning flashing, it reminded me of a day about ten years ago.  It was a day that was very similar, except on that day lightning struck the house and blew up all of our t.v.’s and anything plugged in to an electrical outlet.  It also destroyed our cable box.  When the cable man came to fix the box, he had the shock of his life.  LITERALLY!  Lightning had hit our house, burning out our wiring, and stored in the cable box.  When the cable man touched the box-it threw him across the room and sent an electrical current throughout his entire body. 
     My life had been much like a sunless, cloudy, rainy day that never ended-Dark and dreary.  I was angry and unhappy because life had knocked me on my backside just as the lightning had thrown the cable guy across the room.  Life often can be very “unfair” and hand out pain and loss to anyone.  When I cried out to God in my anger, sorrow, and pain-He answered me.
     As God did in the beginning and separated the light from the darkness, He did so in my soul.  The truth of God’s Word brought light into my soul and set me free from the darkness that death had brought into my life.  In Genesis 1:3-4 it says “And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.”
     Dark days can still come, but they can’t rule because the light of Jesus has separated me from darkness.  If you are reading this-I ask-Let Jesus speak into your life “Let there be light”!

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